Goalkeeper Characteristics


Winner: A relentless approach to being No. 1

Nerve Strength: A robust inner belief to perform under pressure

Self Aware: Understands and uses personal characteristics to maximize their own and team’s performance

Control: Regulates the appropriate emotional state in order to maximize performance


Manager of the game: Proactively executes their own role within the team in order to control the game at any given time

Proactive Manager out of possession: Denies goal scoring opportunities through positioning, instruction and effective actions

Exploits space in possession: Proactive support that passes and eliminates opposing players


Leader: Guides and inspires others via action, manner and communication towards a common goal

Presence: A demeanour that projects positivity onto the team and adversely effects the opposition

Learner: Actively absorbs information quickly and efficiently in order to improve performance

Connected to the team: Establishes relationships within the team, while retaining their unique identity


“Big” Saves: Makes unexpected, result defining saves

Effective Actions: Produces a variety of unique actions at the relevant moments

Outstanding Distributor: Successfully executes a wide range of passing

Consistent: Repeated and successful use of effective actions


Unique: Stands apart from the rest due to an outstanding characteristic or attribute

Efficient Mover: A co-ordinated athlete who moves with ease, maximizing the use of physical characteristics

Physical Presence: Uses functional power to dominate physical scenarios

Robust: Consistently handles the physical demands of the game and all of its scenarios