Junior Keepers

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“Our son Nick has been training with Luke Birnstingl for the past 4 years. We have not met another goal keeper coach who has come close to Luke’s dedication and passion for coaching. He trains the keepers to be technically superior. We are very pleased with what training our son has received by coach Luke. He is by far the most talented trainer who has high expectations for his goalies. We appreciate everything Luke has done and continues to do for our son.”

– Sue Bradshaw



“Our daughter has been a keeper for 5 years and training with Luke for the past year. We would highly recommend him for a keeper looking to improve their technique. When we asked her what she likes, she said that Luke always has unique drills and mixes things up to keep the players attention. He communicates well with the players and takes time to explain the drills to make sure that everyone understands what he expects. Lastly, and most importantly, Luke makes training fun.”

– Helene


“When we asked Neven why he enjoys training with Luke he said "he pushes me to be better and past my limits." This embodies Luke's philosophy of train hard, train smart and have fun. Luke's technical training is very comprehensive and focused. What makes Luke an exceptional coach is his passion, integrity, honesty and his ability to connect with kids. There is nothing more rewarding as a parent than to watch the relationship between your child and his coach grow and evolve over the years. Neven knows that Luke is his biggest supporter.”

– Josephine & Brian Minard

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“Lucas has helped develop my daughter’s passion for playing goalie to a new level by taking time to work on technique and constantly assessing where she’s at and adapting training to meet her needs to further her progress. And she Ioves it!”

– Terri Baker-Kraynick

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“Coach Luke has transformed my daughter to a top flight goalie in a short amount of time. His knowledge is second to none and his patience with his young students is a pleasure to watch. He offers great feedback to both goalies and the parents and always has his students best interests at heart. More importantly, although Coach Luke cares about the physical development of his keepers...his focus on their mental health is immeasurable. The greatest reflection of his coaching is how forward my daughter looks forward to seeing him weekly.”

– Kris Reevie